Mewilo Weather Machine is a game console that plugs into a television or projector. This machine allows you to replay the creative masterpiece that is the video game produced by Muriel Tramis, French and Martinican video game designer. She is one of the rare French designers in the sector and was decorated on this occasion in 2018 with the Legion of Honor. Muriel Tramis and the Coktel Vision studio are particularly known for the popular educational game suites Adi and Adibou.
In addition to this experience, the screen will display a lot of animations that varies depending on the weather (clear sky, rain, day and night) when the game is not in progress.

Secret experience project made on Dreams PS4
Story (Brief)
In the year 3005, on a small archipelago in the Neo-Caribbean area …
All the region has been devastated by the human activity that ruined 99,9% of the soils.
**In that context, a little girl named Lou will be involved in the last move for the survival of humankind: gathering the last Electro-plants that resist pollution. **
**We don’t know for sure how, nor when the Electro-plants were created. But as the legend says, if every of the 7 Electro-plants are found and gathered under the Great Graveyard, an incredible power surges and crosses the lands in order to depollute and restore the damaged Earth.**
Core Gameplay Mechanics (Brief)
Main character can walk, run, jump and interact with a 3D environment (climb ropes, ride vehicles, activate/deactivate switches ).
Stages are different parts of a same island that will be progressively unlocked by the player.
In every stage, there is an “Electro-flower” that can be found. Once the player has found one of these special looking flowers, it unlocks a character animation and the “Electro-flowers book” is updated.
The “Electro-flowers book” is an item in the player’s inventory.
The number of Electro-flowers collected by the player influence the look (colors and lighting) of the “Back Capsule” of the main character.
Once all the special flowers are collected. A special object appears: “Vibe Capsule”. It’s the final form of the Back Capsule with special animations and colors.
Influences (Brief)
Horizon Zero Down - Guerilla Games.
Why ? Because this game integrates a post apocalyptic context in which nature has took over because of men failing to come up with a model able to sustain human life on the planet.
This type of narrative brings up a reflexion about the relationship humans have with Nature. And it automatically tends to humble us as we clearly see our lack of skills when it comes to systemizing harmony …
We want to induce this line of thinking into the world of CHLORE DES CLONES in a subtle but consistent way.
Le Petit Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Why ? Because there is something mysterious about this likable little blond boy from the asteroid B612, who looks at the world through the eyes of a child but articulates his observations like a wise man.
Because the Internet - Childish Gambino.
Why ? Because the Internet is a concept album that challenges, questioning what the internet exactly is, how it’s affecting us whether we’re as famous as Donald Glover or just your average dad with a smartphone, and what that connectivity is doing to change or alter the way our society thinks and behave.
Princess Mononoke - Hayao Miyazaki.
Why ? Because Princess Mononoke is a prime example of the genuine definition of a strong female character. By being complex, multi-dimensional and even flawed. Only then will a characters be appreciated to its fullest, for it’s human side and not to be seen as disposable plot devices, crutches or eye-candy for the male gaze.